Saturday, June 19, 2004

More thrill for smokers..

Customs to go after those who buy smuggled cigarettes
source: the star
BAGAN DATOH (Perak): Cigarettes, which are hazardous to your health, may now also get you into trouble with the law.
Under a new move by the Customs Department to combat the smuggling of cigarettes, smokers could be fined RM100 a pack if they are caught buying the contraband.
As a further deterrent, they would be fined RM2,000 for a second offence and charged in court if they commit the offence for a third time, with a fine and a possible jail term of up to two years.
“If there is no demand, there will be no supply. We are going all out – and serious about it – to curb the smuggling of cigarettes into the country as we are losing about RM1.1bil in unpaid duty every year,” Customs director-general Tan Sri Abdul Halil Abdul Mutalib told reporters after launching the national level Ops Pemutihan at the Ghadaf Marble jetty here on Thursday evening.
He said they would nab smokers of contraband cigarettes to tackle the problem at the source.

I must admit that I am a smoker.During my school years,smoking was
considered cool and macho.The thrilled of not being caughted by Pengawas/warden/cikgu always there.We enjoyed every single puff we got to the last.Now after "U smoke as U want and nobody care",smoking does not give me any thrill anymore. Thank to this new law maybe we, smokers might get(once again) the thrill that we longing for..hurray.

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