Saturday, June 19, 2004

What Have U Done With My Tax Money?

WEB EDITION :: theSun says

Making local government accountable

THEY spend some RM13 billion a year throughout the country. Their performance affects everyone in the country to some extent or other. They have more power to improve our immediate environment than anybody else.They are the local councils.

Right now, even the largest and those considered to be the best among them fall far short of standards that we expect."

Other examples of abuse abound. A particularly odious example is the recent one involving the Seberang Perai Municipal Council.
It is puzzling why a council should give out a contract for the supply of fresh cut flowers for an amazingly high cost of RM5,750 a week. The cost of the flowers is undoubtedly more than the salary of the council president.

What is equally amazing is the lackadaisical response to questions as to why that RM1.5 million contract was given in the first place.

It took a stake-out by theSun to ascertain that the flowers came from a company in Kuala Lumpur, a company which was not even involved in the flower trade.

The goverment is misusing our tax money macam duit tu mak bapak mereka yang punya and yet people still vote for them...padan muka

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